
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Georgie-isms & Luke-saids

When i first met Luke and George a little more than a year ago.....their speech was almost non-existent. Their dad, grammar school classmate and birthday buddy, explained to me that for unknown reasons both boys are speech delayed and they are attending a special needs pre-k to try and help them catch up so that by the time they get to kindergarten they could be reintegrated into the 'mainstream' class. 

Over the past year i have had the joy of watching them grow and develop and learn LOTS of new things. One of the most amazing things is they have both mastered the computer!! NickJr games is their favorite place to go. And one of the MOST EXCITING things is hearing them learn how to speak. In one year's time, they have progressed from grunts, screams and pointing to 3-5 word simple sentences!!! Their vocabularies have grown by leaps and bounds and they are now almost caught up to their age appropriate levels and we have high hopes of them both entering kindergarten in the 'regular' classes!!!!!!

As with all kids when they first learn to speak, they mispronounce words and say things kinda grammatically funny. George has a tendency to drop the first syllable of words - for instance my name (judianne) became anne and he pronounces his own name using the spanish word gorgie (first g sounds like a 'h').  Luke loves to sing the songs on NickJr, he has to work very hard at it but his speech is becoming clearer and clearer everyday and not only has he learned to spell both his first and last name, but he can also count to 10 in spanish! (george & i are working on counting to five in chinese!!! heheh) i know i'm going to miss Luke's 'mouth full of marbles' as he learns to ennuciate his words.  

I am so very proud of them! Today, i sat down and wrote a list of all my favorite words and phrases that i get to hear Luke and George say every day.  I will cherish this list.

GEORGIE (4.5yrs):

(hands raised palms outward) SOWEEEEEEEE
(one hand up palm out & waving) soweeee anne snot you tuwrn.....sdaddy's tuwrn
(said over the shoulder as he's running) 'mon wuke wet's go pway
(while jumping across the floor) wabbit wabbit (he's a frog)
my name horgie
more please juicer
more please hopsicles
more please sicken (chicken nuggets)
go donalds (the GOLDEN ARCHES!)
watch yego (Go Diego Go)
no go swaight (straight) go wight (right)
i bite you
i find you (you found george)
i hold you (you hold george)
i find me (here i am!!!)
i MAD!

LUKE (5.5 yrs):

yo ya ya ya (yo gabba gabba)
team zumi zumi (umi zumi) mili geo bot
fwisher no fwishing (swiper no swiping)
tasur (tasha), awtin (austin), pablo, niqua (uniqua) and tiwron (tyrone)
power dog (flower dog - nick jr character)
patience georgie! (heard while boys are playing in the bath)
no pee-pee potty. pee-pee potty night night
no night night! night night go night night
NO (fill in the blank with whatever you want luke to do) (repeat same word) GO NIGHT NIGHT
now lukes turn
time out georgie (brings the red time out chair to wherever georgie is)
police'blance truck
hopperchopper (helicopter)
wanna go fraight (straight)
L - U - K - E spells GOOFBALL
B - L - A - C - K enter

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