
Thursday, June 24, 2010

thoughts on why i write

i am not, shall we say, the most eloquent of speakers.  but i do have a large storage tank full of thoughts. they run the gamut all the way from trivial (my shoes look pretty today) to profound (if money weren't an issue, i would spend all my time helping those less fortunate than me) the problem being that i have issues with verbalizing my thoughts. somehow on the little highway between my brain and my mouth things get all muddled & confused.....yet these very same thoughts while traveling on a different & longer path from my brain to my fingertips seem to not find any detours or roadblocks on their journey and come out making quite a bit of sense (even if the sense is NONSENSE! ;) tee hee)

i was quite excited today to discover that i have FOUR ACTUAL FOLLOWERS....four people who truly are curious to know what profound (or inane) thought will next spring from my fingertips!!!!!

suffice it to say that today being thursday, i don't have a whole lot on my mind.......but i wanted to take the time to thank you, yes YOU!!!! for perusing my thoughts and when you feel compelled adding your 2cents to the comments!!! you are AWESOME! :)

i would love to know if there is anyone else out there in cyberspace that knows i exist but just hasn't taken a moment to join club-judianne.........hello? anyone? are you out there?

i guess that's all i wanted to say right now.....stay tuned, i may become profound later today :)


  1. I'm so happy you write. Yes, I am out here in cyberspace.

    I live in an awesome house on Lake Tahoe.

    I don't have to work b/c I am loaded.

    I have a perfectly happy, healthy family.

    I have great friends.

    I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and never have to excersize.

    My best friends name is Gary Allan (you may have heard of him) and we go jet-setting around the world. His favorite place is in Mexico, so we go there often.

    Ohhh, I forgot to tell you, he wrote me a song and played it acoustic for me the other night.

    I do what I want, when I want and don't have much responsibility at all.

    Lately, I have just been lying around the beach working on my tan.

    Just a bunch more stuff like that.....

    Oh crap, I just realized I am one of your followers.....oh, the cat is out of the more hiding behind my computer making up this wonderful fake person :o(

  2. It took me long enough. But Im here in cyberspace trying to find myself. LOL! I will look in more often since I will be writing more. Hugs Judianne I like what you have to say even when your trying to kick my butt into action.
