i am just a LITTLE BIT late......technically it is already 03 Jan, but it's still 'the night of 02 Jan' so i will pretend.....
watched a movie on NETFLIX -- yes this is my new nighttime entertainment since we said BUH-BY to nasty ol' Comcast!!. grrrrr. but i digress --- movie was called PLAY THE GAME and it may have been one of the last (if not the very last) movies starring Andy Griffith. Was a cute sappy girlie chick flick.....right up my alley! then i was gonna get up and go to bed but it was so darned cold that i pulled a blanket up over me and crashed.......UNTIL pk came home and suggested i should GO TO BED very loudly thus interrupting my freezing slumber!
but this was not what i was planing to write on 02 Jan 2013......
i was planning to write about situations in life in which persons are clueless (or maybe it is just plain self-centered rudeness?!) i'd like to say that this one in particular situation has really gotten me all tangled up in a knot of frustration - but it really hasn't. instead it's almost comical because it's so predictable.... well maybe i will discuss this further tomorrow - if i don't freeze in this arctic wasteland.
i mean SERIOUSLY!!!! if i wanted to live in the frozen tundra i would move to alaska....or iowa.....sunny california is misleading......sunny implies warm.....and it is NO WAY warm here in the boondocks during the winter!
....well i am gonna take my frozen li'l tootsies to my icecube bed and wander off to dream about fudgecicles and igloos and frosty the snow man.... (maybe i would not be so cynical if we actually got snow - then the temps would be worthwhile --- altho' who's gonna shovel my snow for me? maybe i better be careful what i wish for!!)
nite nite
Need to turn up the heat just a little sis. Or get a heavier blanket especially since hubby works nights. LOL