
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

goodbye 2012....hello 2013

i am going to start out this new year on the right foot......picking up my keyboard and attempt to speak out in the hopes that you will hear me.....

.....for now i just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR....

and take a moment to reflect on all the things that happened in the past 365 days

...we all aged another year
...the SF Giants won their second WORLD SERIES (as SAN FRANCISCO Giants)
...the SF 49ers ended the regular season as NFC WEST Division Champions
...Cintia & I took a tamale class and found out the 'it' that we were missing from our own tamale experiences
...i ran out of time and never got Christmas Cards in the mail (those that sent them to me, I truly enjoyed hearing from you!!) nor Christmas Cookies in the oven --- well there's always NEXT year! together with my EAGLES classmates on several occasions
...said 'until we meet again' to one of our EAGLES
...went to YOSEMITE with the 'family'
...discovered i did not have the photo card for my camera and ended up taking all my pics with my iPhone
....traded in the DROIDS for iPHONES and never been happier with a communication decision
...said BYE BYE to COMCAST (yes still adjusting to this choice)
...FINALLY went to the doctors --- got poked & prodded and learned a lot of things that I am going to have to work on (more on this soon!)
...sadly did not get to very many concerts......did enjoy GOLF & GUITARS in Sacramento with Kristie and JASON MICHAEL CARROLL in San Jose with Lisa and The FARM in San Jose with Linda.........hoping for KEITH URBAN and GARY ALLAN in 2013
...made contact with cousins near and far learning more and more about my ever expanding family tree
....spent a week at the National Archives in San Bruno scanning documents detailing the lives of my ancestors dating back to the Gold Rush era

all-in-all it was a fairly good year ... 2012
I have high expectations for what 2013 will bring......


  1. I'm glad you're blogging again. Your talent with words is inspiring. I'll see if I decide to start blogging myself. My biggest goals this year are to do more traveling, attend more concerts, and get together with friends more often. Thanks for your're a truly good person!

    1. thank you very much! you are too kind :)

  2. I agree with Christine. I love your pics too. You could do a photo blog as well. It's always good to see & hear from you. Keep up the blog. Hopefully I do better this year as well..

    1. h'mmm a photo blog might be easier to keep up to date!

  3. I'm so HAPPY to see you blogging again!! And, so happy to hear about your 2012, and even more Happy I will be hearing about your 2013 : ) : )

    1. i haven't been so good on keeping up with the blogging.....but i guess that's why this blog is called CATCHING UP.....i'm always behind and trying to catch up! :0)
