
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Luke & George KNOW instinctively when it is friday! thursday night they go to bed saying TOMORROW IS 'DONALD's FRIDAY.....WE GO INSIDE TOMORROW

they LOVE to go INTO the play area at McDonald's but we ONLY do that on fridays......any other day of the week, if they are so lucky as to get mcd's it is DRIVE THRU only!!!!

not too long ago, we discovered that george's classmate aaron and his grandma (patty) come to 'donald's friday too! so now the boys have a double treat to look forward to....

no one really wanted to get their picture taken at this moment

luke just could NOT stand still
& my phone isn't as quick as my camera!

 playing with aaron AND eating shikin (chicken nuggets) & french fries and drinking orange!!!!

i can't think of a better way to spend a friday night!!!! lol...well at least for now......

sometimes our friend scott joins us on his way home from work time he brought baby maggie...we are hoping that soon josh will be old enough to come play with the boys too!

a couple weeks ago tammy & her girls met us for 'donald's was GREAT FUN as the kids hadn't been able to play with each other in quite a long time!!

1 comment:

  1. We loved seeing you & the boys. Loni asks about all of you alot. We miss all of you alot. I'm glad we could make it. We must do it again soon.
