
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

momentary thoughts

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'It might have been.' " ~John Greenleaf Whittier

i often find myself playing the WHAT IF game...

What if i had gotten out of bed when the alarm clock rang this morning
What if i had eaten a salad for dinner instead of that sandwich
What if i had never moved to Hawaii at 21
What if i had gone to college instead of dropping out on that very first day at SFCC
What if i had studied harder in high school, made an effort to get high scores
What if ...
What if ...
What if ...

my mother was always fond of reminding me: "if wishes were horses; beggars would ride"

the things i wish for are the things i can never have. time to forget about the 'coulda beens' and accept the way it is.


  1. I hear ya girlie! I always say,





    Oh honey, you wouldn't be you if all those things. You know if you ate the salad instead of the sandwich, etc.

    And I like YOU!

  2. I agree with the other are YOU! Yet...I LIVE in the land of what might have been....

  3. I agree with Jen. I think about what I would change if I could but then I wouldnt have my girls. I guess I will survive the shattered heart since I have them but it is a long hard road. It would be harder if I didnt have you kicking my butt.

    Thanks for being you.
