
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

tempest fugits.....baybeeeeee!

that's what my mom always said....course she was generally referring to when you're having too much fun! i wanna have some fun!!! tired of being all cooped up...taking drugs...avoiding sunlight.....

i am feeling the effects of a week of imposed captivity......geez i sound like some heroin crazed crimminal on the lamb!!!

really i'm NOT!!! i'm just on anti-biotic #3 tetrecycline.......two times a day....PLUS showering TWICE A DAY with physoderm....AND this is the worst part of all....TWO TIMES each and every day - neosporin up the nose!!! it is really hard to leave it there more than 10 minutes. i end up either wiping my nose or blowing it all out again.....YUCK yuck YUCK yuck

so yes, i have advanced from the ER to my own doctor and he says he thinks i may have Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)  ...oh what FUN!!! ...and although not related i am suffering through an acute case of sciatica on the same leg......when it rains it POURS!!!

five days into the new antibiotic.....i've seen some improvement but not a whole lot. i sure hope it kicks in SOON cuz i do not wanna have to go to the next level of treatment!!!!! grrrrr

1 comment:

  1. GRRRRRRRRRRR! From me too!

    Funny, I just put one of my favorite songs as "When it Rains"

    Check your FB inbox. I can understand, after reading this, if you don't want to play :o)
